Hair Care

How do you take care of natural hair in the summer?

 Summer brings fun and excitement and can pose challenges for those with natural hair. The combination of heat, humidity, and UV rays can wreak havoc on your locks if you’re not careful. This blog post will share tips and tricks to help you care for your natural hair during these scorching months. From protective hairstyles to DIY treatments and styling hacks, get ready to rock your beautiful braids all summer! 

The challenges of maintaining natural hair in the summer

The summer season is filled with warmth and sunshine, but it can also bring its fair share of challenges for those with natural hair. One of the main obstacles is dealing with the relentless humidity at an all-time high during these months. The excess moisture in the air can cause frizz and unruly hair that’s difficult to manage. The challenge is protecting your locks from damaging UV rays. Just like slathering sunscreen to shield our skin, our hair needs protection, too. Overexposure to sunlight can lead to dryness, colour fading, and breakage.

Tips for protecting and nourishing natural hair during hot weather

When the summer heat rolls in, it can wreak havoc on our natural hair. Hot weather, sun exposure, and humidity can leave our locks feeling dry, frizzy, and lifeless. But fear not! With simple tips and tricks, you can keep your natural hair protected and nourished all season. Hydrate your hair from the inside out by drinking plenty of water. Just like our bodies need hydration during summer, so does our hair. This will help to combat dryness and keep your strands healthy and moisturized. SPF products protect our skin from harmful UV rays, and our hair also needs some love in this department. Look for leave-in conditioners or styling products that offer UV protection to shield your tresses from damage caused by the sun.

Choosing the right products for summer hair care

When caring for natural hair in the summer, choosing the right products is crucial. The heat and humidity can cause our hair to become dry, frizzy, and prone to damage. So, what should you look for when selecting products for your summer hair care routine? Opt for a gentle sulfate-free shampoo that won’t strip away all of your hair’s natural oils. Look for one that contains hydrating ingredients like coconut oil or shea butter to help moisturize and nourish your strands. Shampooing and conditioning, incorporating a leave-in conditioner into your routine, is essential during the summer months. Leave-in conditioners help detangle your hair and provide extra hydration throughout the day.

Protective hairstyles for summer

  1. Braids: Box braids, cornrows, or twists are versatile styles that can last weeks with proper care. They protect your hair while allowing it to grow without manipulation.
  2. Buns and Updos: Opting for a high bun or updo keeps your hair off your neck and face, relieving the sweltering summer heat.
  3. Wigs and Extensions: Wigs and extensions are excellent choices if you want to switch up your look without compromising on protection. You can experiment with different lengths, colours, and textures while keeping your natural hair tucked away.
  4. Head Wraps/Scarves: Headwraps add a stylish touch to any outfit and provide protection against harmful UV rays.

DIY hair masks and treatments for stronger, healthier hair

We all want our natural hair to be strong and healthy, especially during the summer when it can become dry and damaged due to sun exposure and chlorine from swimming. There are some fantastic DIY hair masks and treatments that you can whip up at home using simple ingredients from your kitchen pantry. Mash half an avocado with a tablespoon of olive oil until smooth, then apply it generously to your damp hair. Leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. Avocado is packed with vitamins E and B, which help nourish the scalp and moisturize strands from within.

Styling tips to beat the heat and humidity

  1. Embrace protective styles: Opt for braids, twists, or updos to keep your hair off your neck and protect it from the sun’s rays. Not only will these styles help prevent damage caused by heat exposure, but they also minimize frizz.
  2. Use lightweight products: Swap out heavy creams and oils for lighter serums or leave-in conditioners during summer. Look for products specifically designed to provide hydration without weighing down your curls.
  3. Avoid excessive manipulation: Constantly touching and styling your hair can lead to breakage, especially when combined with hot weather conditions. Instead, try to find low-maintenance hairstyles that require minimal handling.
  4. Try a satin scarf or bonnet: Sleeping on a satin pillowcase or wrapping your hair in a satin scarf or bonnet at night helps reduce friction and moisture loss while you sleep – keeping those curls intact!
  5. Remember sunscreen protection: Apply sunscreen to exposed areas of the scalp if you’re rocking a shorter haircut or parting style that leaves skin vulnerable to UV damage.
  6. Choose hairstyles that allow airflow: Opt for loose styles like buns or ponytails that allow air circulation around the scalp. This will not only keep you cooler but also help prevent sweat buildup on the scalp, which could lead to irritation
  7. Refresh with dry shampoo: When dealing with sweaty roots between washes, it is handy as it absorbs excess oil, making it look fresh again. Spray the root area lightly, then work through it using your fingers.


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